Date: 16 Nov
Start: Blenheim
Finish: Hanmer Springs
Accommodation: Alpine Lodge
Km's travelled today: 266
Total Km's travelled: 539
Day 2 starts much the same as the previous, a bit damp. Danny started the day with a conversation and cuppa with Gloria, so I am sure some stimulating conversation was had.
Then, just like day 1, we left our starting point early with everyone keen to get going. Heading to Kaikoura and the scenery was stunning.
The bikes were miles ahead as we became stuck behind one slow driver after another.
We missed running into Rachel and Danny on the side of the road for a quick pit stop. Of course the spot Danny chose to stop had no trees or bushes, so Rachel took a slide down a bank. Lucky for her no trains were passing by so the 'pit stop' was relatively private, lol.
We all met at the giant lobster, where we had a pre-arranged meet up point, for a photo op.
Maybe we should have stayed there for lunch, as the place we chose in Kaikoura was not up to the same standard as they were a year ago for some of the riders. Wrong orders, dodgy gravy and frozen custard slice (maybe it was Danny's bad french accent that brought on the weird food?)
But nothing seems to bring down the mood of this trip, and we all left laughing.
Rick then decided to lead us to Hanmer Springs via the tourist drive. What a great decision and what a ride. Windy, straight, too many one lane bridges to count, and of course the obligatory potholes. But it really was worth the effort.
Of course, being in Hanmer Springs you can't miss going to the actual springs. All the aches from the day were soaked away before we headed off to 5 Stags for dinner, where we met with 13 of the Canterbury R.A.C branch. Official photo of that will be posted later, but it is just amazing to see how large the R.A.C family is growing. New friendships were made, and old ones re-kindled.
We will join with them again tomorrow where Derrick can take the lead (and not get lost) for our ride into Canterbury.
Now Gloria, along with the rest of us, is tucked up in bed, getting her sleep before the next day of our journey.
Although this is an awareness ride, there is a platform available for people to donate, with all funds raised going to the Canterbury Cancer Centre. We are already seeing some donations come through from everywhere we stay. Everyone sees the P2P tshirts and wants to chat.
Day 2 and this adventure is already making a difference.
Joy Smith.