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Post to Post - Day 16 - The Final Day

Writer: Sandy CarterSandy Carter

Date: 30 Nov

Start: Taupo

Finish: Glen Oroua

Accommodation: Our own beds!

Km's travelled today: 297

Total Km's travelled: 4,851 (not including Ferry Crossings)


It's the last day.

Who would have thought we have just completed 5,000km's in 16 days! What an incredible adventure, and I am not sure how to put into words how I feel right now. I thought I would feel a lot more shattered and not want to get on the bike again for some time, but oh how wrong I was!

I started the day by having a last soak in the thermal pool. Gloria wanted to join me, but as she tends to retain fluid, she had to sit on the sideline.

At 6am it was so peaceful and gave me a little time to reflect on the past 16 days. As much as I am an outgoing person, I tend to get 'peopled out' quite quickly. I had given myself until day 3 before I thought I would be hibernating in my room for some space. But this didn't happen. This just shows how well we worked as a group on the whole. Don't get me wrong, there were times when we all needed a little space, but it was no where near as much as expected.

We all had a buffet breakfast at Wairakei Resort, and seemed to be a bit of a muted affair. Maybe we were all feeling a bit flat as it was the last morning? We were lead out of Taupo through some of the back roads by Mike, to try and avoid the road closures and cyclists completing the Round the Lakes. Surprisingly we were not held up by them on our way South. It definitely helped that they were going in the opposite direction.

A quick stop at the Summit for a photo on the Desert Road, and we were on the road again heading for Taihape.

We met with more R.A.C members at BP Taihape, then, as a group, it was off on our final leg of the journey.

It wasn't until we copped the Manawatu winds that we realised how little wind we had encountered on our journey. This had Gloria moving a little on the back of the bike, but we made it safely back into Palmerston North. Here we were met with a fantastic reception - balloons, finish flag and lots and lots of food!

The last group photo was taken and then we sat a while a relived some of or adventures.

As we started in Glen Oroua, some of the riders decided they wanted to finish the Post to Post where they started, so we had a few follow us home, and the van was unloaded.

Everyone left, and then there was... silence. For the last 16 days we have ended the day knowing the plans for the next. There has been stories, laughter and general comradery. Tonight for the first time, we turned on the TV. It all felt a bit flat. Maybe we should go for a ride tomorrow?

Life is too short to wait for the right time. On this journey we had three waiting on knee replacements, and there were many other body issues scattered around the group. If we had waited for the 'right time' this would never have happened. Make sure you seize the day whenever you can, because your next adventure is just around the corner.

I want to thank all the other P2P riders for coming on this ride with Rick and me. I have definitely learnt things about you all that I never knew before, and have loved taking this ride with you. As we pack it in for the night, plans are fermenting for the next one, whatever it may be. But lets leave it for a year or two.

With love

Sandy Carter


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