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Post to Post - Day 15

Writer: Sandy CarterSandy Carter

Date: 29 Nov

Start: Tuakau

Finish: Taupo

Accommodation: Wairakei Resort

Km's travelled today: 243

Total Km's travelled: 4,554


We say goodbye to Tuakau this morning. Gloria was eager to leave so, as usual, we left well before our planned departure time. There were some running repairs on the riders before we left. Only one more day of riding to go.

It was an easy ride to Cambridge, where we stopped at the same park from the other day. Coffees, pies and the last of Wonder Jill's baking were the picnic of the day.

Due to the generosity of the Waitomo sponsorship all the bikes enjoyed their first free tank fill. Looks like it was to be a day of treats.

We had one detour and several lots of roadworks, but we seem to be becoming used to this. The NZ roads are in a real state of disrepair, so it is good to see the teams out repairing, but the stone chips for the riders were a hazard they could do without. It was so bad that some have bruises on their legs from the flying stones.

We made it to our final destination early afternoon, where us ladies were treated to facials at the Wairakei Resort Spa. It felt like 15 days of road grime was scrubbed away. Even Gloria got in on the action.

Then what else is there to do with a thermal pool on your doorstep, but sit, soak and relax the aches away.

The final treat for the day was a fantastic meal at the restaurant fully paid for. What a way to end our last night together on Post to Post. Gloria had her photo taken with Gloria (no idea who she was, lol), and polished off a Berry infused Chocolate Tart.

Now time to just hang out over the balcony and watch the world go by.

Tomorrow we head first to Taihape to meet up with other Central Branch members, before finally making the last leg of the ride to Palmerston North. First though, we have to tackle the cyclist going round the lake in Taupo.

Joy Smith


You can find all the Relive video links on the webpage. This is a great visual to show you where we have travelled .


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